Why we sleep
Last night I stayed up until 2.15am doing programming for a free-lancing job. This morning, I feel like there is no life in me.
I was aware that this morning I need to wake up at 5 (so I should have go to bed at 9-ish). However, I was so into the project that I let time pass (a real flow state). For every 30 minutes, I looked at the clock and got surprised by how fast time went, but unable to put a hold on the work. I was tired, but unable to realize that it is necessary to stop.
I hope I will be more capable of saying “let’s call it a day”. Otherwise, I would suffer the next day being tired, unproductive, resentful, fearing of death by lack of .
P/S: The title of this post is referencing the famous book Why We Sleep by Mat Walker. I read half of the book, appreciated the importance of sleep, and get bored by the monotonicity of the narrative.