Lessons these days:

  • When handling
    • Use 10 seconds like this (assuming team is playing Vertical Stack):
      • First 3-4 seconds: look up field, communicate with the disc for teammates to clear.
      • From 3rd to 9th second: Activate the off-handler by pivoting to face them, stick with them until the 9th second (don’t look up field again).
      • The moment marker says “nine”: Look up field, make a flat and hopeful huck to the space.
      • => This is a very pro-flowing strategy. Good for windy days. Low turn-over rate. Longer possesion. Higher chance of scoring of course.
    • After passing? Almost as a give-and-go, make an immediate strike. If being faked, either clear or dumb.
    • How to throw? 99% being forced flick. I throw OK. Just fake with my shoulder to shake the defender a bit. Then step out horizontally and throw a flat disc to the open space.
    • What are the usual faults the defender usually commit here?
  • When cutting
    • Choosing the right opponent player matters. Observe those who is at the same level to match with them.
    • When game is slow, observe the stack, run a setup to create space, and sprint.
    • When the game is fast, look for the best-gain space (usually up-line) to run into. But be careful not to double cut.
    • If being given the disc, catch with GRE-level focus. Then calm down and handle.
    • Commit with the disc!!!
  • When defending a cutter
    • Always stay on the force side (which is difficult) by (1) shuffling on toes and (2) position almost parallely to the strike direction.
      • Use the whole body to stop the cutter is not always a good idea because my hip is then turned.
    • Prevent a deep/strike rather than an in-cut.
    • For floaty (deep) throws, do math on the landing point that is appropriate to my height.
  • When marking: Use FUC’s trick: shuffle in front of the active shoulder, expand arms instead of swinging.

Excited to play the first US tournament of this wholesome team sport this weekend. Hope I will be ready to enjoy and learn from it. My invididual goal: help gaining at least 1 yard or contributing to at least one turn-over of the opponent in at least 3 matches.