Theory of Computation Review
This is a midterm review for CS6382 (syllabus)
Important problems
Topic 1: Determining decidability
- r.e. = Turing-recognizable
- recursive = Turing-decidable
- A r.e. property \(A\) is a language of TM codes such that every pair of TMs that generated the same language must either both inside or outside of \(A\)
Halting problem \(\langle x, M \rangle\), but fix \(x\). Is this decidable?
Halting problem \(\langle x, M \rangle\), but fix \(M\). Is this decidable?
Topic 2: “Characterization” of NP
Informally, the NP class is defined as the collection of languages that can be recognized by a Non-deterministic Turing Machine (NTM) in polynomial time.
To precisely define “polynomial time”, and “can be recognized”, we come to the following definition. \(A \in NP \Leftrightarrow \exists B \in P, \text{polynomial } p: \forall x, \vert x\vert = n, x \in A \Leftrightarrow (\exists y, \vert y\vert \leq p(n))[\langle x, y\rangle \in B]\)
Human language: \(A\) is a language in NP if and only if
- there eixsts
- another language \(B\) in \(P\)
- a polynomial \(p\)
- such that:
- for any string \(x\) with length \(n\):
- \(x\) belongs to \(A\) if and only if:
- there exits a string \(y\)
- such that:
- length of \(y\) does not exceed \(p(n)\)
- the concatenation \(\langle x, y\rangle\) belongs to \(B\).
- \(x\) belongs to \(A\) if and only if:
- for any string \(x\) with length \(n\):
With that, \(p()\) and the fact that \(B \in P\) formalizes the notion of polynomial time. The running of the NTM is translated to the existence of a polynomial length string \(y\) (representing the running path of the NTM). \(y\) and the language \(B\) is the representation of the NTM.
In some cases, we restrict the alphabet for \(y\) to be \(\{0, 1\}\).
Topic 3: Using Partition and Subsum to prove NP-completeness
The following two problems are NP-complete:
- Partition: Given a set of positive intergers \(A\). Check if there exists a partition \(A_1 \cap A_2 = 2\) (disjoint) such that Sum(\(A_1\)) = Sum(\(A_2\)).
- Subsum: Given a set of positive intergers \(A\). Check if there exists a subset \(B \subset A\) such that Sum(\(A\)) = \(S\).
To prove a problem \(A\) is NP-hard, we “reduce” an NP-hard problem \(B\) to \(A\). May have to turn \(A\) to a decision version. Depending on the reduction specified, we have a corresponding method:
- If using many-to-one reduction, we need to (1)construct a polynomial-time many-to-one reduction algorithm to reduce the input \(y\) of \(B\) to the input \(x\) of \(A\), then prove that (2) \(y \in B \Rightarrow x \in A\) and (3) the converse.
- If using Turing reduction, we need to construct a polynomial-time DTM with oracle A that accepts B.
Topic 4: Using Turing-reduction to prove a completeness in Polynomial Hierarchy
- More about Turing reduction:
- rather than changing the input to another one in many-one reduction, we use the original input, but consulting an oracle in the TM.
- It is transitive.
- Notations for \(A \leq^p_T B\)
- \(A \in P(B)\),
- or \(A \in P^B\).
- It is a “weaker” reduction than many-to-one.
- It should not be merged naively with many-to-one.
- Polynomial Hierarchy (PH) arises from this:
- The hierachy starts with \(\Sigma^p_{0} = \Pi^p_{0} = \Delta^p_{0} = P\)
- Then built by: \(\Sigma^p_{n+1} = P(\Sigma^p_n), \Pi^p_{n+1} = NP
(\Sigma^p_n), \Delta^p_{n+1} = co-NP(\Sigma^p_n)\)
- Level 1: \(\Sigma^p_1 = NP(P) = NP; \Delta^p_1 = co-NP(P) = co-NP(P); \Pi^p_1 = P(P) = P\)
- Level 2: \(\Delta^p_2 = P(NP)\) …
- Finally, \(PH = \cup_n \Sigma^p_n\)
Example: Prove that Exact-Clique is \(\leq^p_T\)-complete in \(\Delta^p_2\)
- We have Exact-Clique \(\leq^p_T\) Clique \(\Rightarrow\) Exact-Clique \(\in P(NP) = \Delta^p_2\)
- Every problem in \(\Delta^p_2\) can be Turing-reduced to some problem in \(NP\), which can be many-one-reduced to Clique, which can be Turing-reduced to Exact-Clique (q.e.d.)
Topic 5: Proving Space Bounded Halting Problem is PSPACE-complete
Problem. SBHP = “Given an DTM M, an input x and a string \(0^s\), can M accept x using space at most s?” Prove that SBHP is PSPACE-complete by many-one reduction.
- Language form: \(L=\{\langle m,x,0^s \rangle \vert M \text{ accepts } x \text{ within space } s\}\)
- First, prove it belongs to PSPACE by the existence of the universal TM.
- p-m reduction: From a string y in A, construct the input \(\langle M, y, 0^{p(\vert y\vert)} \rangle\) for \(L\). We have \(A\in PSPACE \Leftrightarrow \langle M, y, o^{p(\vert y\vert)} \rangle \in L\). Therefore, we have reduced all problem in PSPACE to \(L\).
“The barber that cuts his own hair”
- Diagionalization technique is very intersting. Used to prove something is non-countable by contradiction.
- Halting problem is one of those. The language version: \(\{M \vert M \text{ accepts } code(M)\}\)
- Method 1: See the textbook
- Method 2: Still cooking it …
- In class, my prof used the barber paradox to illustrate. I was in fact inspired by this technique to cut my actual hair.