I twisted my ankle
I twisted my ankle in a frisbee practice recently. Therefore, my ankle is currently sprained. I cannot walk properly, and sometimes have to use crutches.
The night I got the injury. I was applying ice to my ankle.
I have twisted my right foot a few times in my life, mostly from soccer and badminton. However, it has never been so bad that I cannot walk anymore. Now it is, on my left foot.
At the time it happened, I was jumping to catch a frisbee disc, then landing on beach sand while my foot was positioned in a very silly and non-flat way. I had to get off the field immediately.
The ankle brace that Sam lent me. From now, I should use this more in sports.
A kind friend parked my bike nearby and drove me home. People continued being kind the days after – the nurses in the school clinic helping me out and giving me crutches, people openning the doors for me when they see me using crutches, Jeongsik driving me to school and lending me his ebike, etc.