According to Cambridge Dictionary, ‘channel’ can be a verb that means to behave like another person. I love this word because it puts a name on a very powerful psychological trick I’ve been using on and off. Why ‘channel’ has this meaning? Does it imply you are creating a tunnel between you and the role model so that their aura is tranfered to you?

Instances where I channelled in the past:

  • After a trip to visit a person that I think cool, I usually channel that person and their life style in my normal life.
  • When thinking about a subject, I usually channel the expert I admire the most in that field:
    • Thinking about the scientific endeavours, I channel Dr. KinHo Chan and Dr. Raghuram Ramanujan.
    • When thinking about the society and humans, I channel Dr. Ian Kalman.
    • When explaning abstract things, I channel Dr. Vincent Ng and Dr. Ian Kalman.
    • When doing story telling about technical stuffs, I channel Dr. Collin Rafel (check out his presentation about T5!).
    • When thinking about the meaning of life, the mix between technology and humanity, I channel Dr. Lex Fridman.
    • And so much more! I am excited to unpack the people who I’ve been channeling.