I am honored to share that I have recently appointed to the prestigious position of Volunteer for the Total Eclipse event on UT Dallas campus!!! To have this position, I had to compete with an unknowingly large number of applicants, and had to use a lot of karma.

On a serious note, the total eclipse this year is very unique to the Dallas-Forth Worth area. Somebody says it won’t go over the are again in a few hundred years (but it will re-appear somewhere on Earth before that, for sure).

In celebration of this once-in-a-lifetime event, the UT Dallas administration launches the campaign “No Comet Left Inside” to encourage everybody to come outside and watch the eclipse on that date. In particular, all classes between 1-2pm on April 8 will be cancelled. There will be 3 observation sites, one of which is where I will be operating as a science explainer.

In preparation for this honor, I will watch as much youtube videos about total eclipse as possible. Wish me luck :)