This paper, published in EACL 2024, argues that evaluation results of close-sourced models like GPT4 are severely unreliable, done via malpractices. Those malpractices include:

  • Data contamination: Leaking the test set to the model itself (via the use of ChatGPT web interface that seems to allow learning from the user prompts)
  • Reproducibility issues:
    • Only half of the papers examined (212) provided code repository. Funnily and sadly, some papers provide link to an empty or invalid repository… (Why do you do that, researchers?)
  • Evaluation fairness issues:
    • ChatGPT is usually thought to be the only model that should be measured. Many papers don’t bother to compare ChatGPT’s performance to other models.
    • No statistic tests are performed on the performance results of the models
    • Different samples used between closed-sourced and open-sourced models are done in an unfair way

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